This weekend I went to San Francisco to visit my college roommate from freshman year and also crate dig, of course. We were on our way to one of our friends' place when I saw this sign. I thought it was real cool and decided to take a picture of it. If you look close enough you see that both the 'Stop' and 'Walk' signs are lit up at the same time. I know a lot of people don't really look into things too much, but I found this sign to be symbolic.
I just graduated from college with a bachelors degree in business law and have been struggling with what I am going to do with my life - do I go to law school, get a job, or focus on music. Obviously, for now, the first choice (law school) is ruled out because I would've had to apply back in November if I were attending law school in the fall. As for getting a job, luckily I have a job set up for the next year, which not too many fresh college grads can really say right now. I will be starting my job in late July or early August, so right now I feel I have two months to make something of my music and see what I can do this summer before I start working 9 to 5.
Music will always be with me and I know regardless of what I do I will always make music - it's just a matter of how much time I will be able to devote to it. So I leave you with this, if you had the choice to 'stop' or 'walk' your dream with no idea of the future, which would you do?
1 props:
Ideally both. Leonardo Da Vinci had MANY talents. Don't ever choose money and stability over following your dream. Use that job as the stepping stone for other opportunities. Maybe buying studio time or collaborating with other artists that would require some dinero or making Malek Music the brand you aspire. Which ever direction you decide to take, you will hit roadblocks. But whichever choice you decide to make, make sure you are going to want to get up again, again, again to figure out how to get over, around, or through that roadblock. That's the path you need to choose. I find myself in the same perdicament. Only i'm 29. (Quincy Jones didn't produce his biggest hit until he was 50!) R. Les i'm sure had many career paths after leaving Harvard. But chose music, i'm sure without a regret in his mind. Hopefully this helps.
P.S try to do both if at all possible.
j.k 77!
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