This weekend I went to San Francisco to visit my college roommate from freshman year and also crate dig, of course. We were on our way to one of our friends' place when I saw this sign. I thought it was real cool and decided to take a picture of it. If you look close enough you see that both the 'Stop' and 'Walk' signs are lit up at the same time. I know a lot of people don't really look into things too much, but I found this sign to be symbolic.
I just graduated from college with a bachelors degree in business law and have been struggling with what I am going to do with my life - do I go to law school, get a job, or focus on music. Obviously, for now, the first choice (law school) is ruled out because I would've had to apply back in November if I were attending law school in the fall. As for getting a job, luckily I have a job set up for the next year, which not too many fresh college grads can really say right now. I will be starting my job in late July or early August, so right now I feel I have two months to make something of my music and see what I can do this summer before I start working 9 to 5.
Music will always be with me and I know regardless of what I do I will always make music - it's just a matter of how much time I will be able to devote to it. So I leave you with this, if you had the choice to 'stop' or 'walk' your dream with no idea of the future, which would you do?